
Important Scholarship Information


 How do I apply for Immaculata Bursaries?



Knights of Columbus 

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Father Delestre Council

St. Charles Garnier Council


Kelowna Women in Business Annual Bursary


Matte & Associates Scholarship Info


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BC Aviation Council (BCAC) Scholarship Applications open annually on January 15th. Applications must be made using the online form and reach our office no later than midnight April 30th. Go to to apply!


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Encompass Scholarship Program

Encompass Scholarship Application


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At ScholarTree, we are committed to continually improving how students find scholarships and increasing the number of scholarships available to students studying in Canada.

A handful of the larger scholarships are available right at the start of the school year, so we encourage students to start applying right away.

Here are a couple of significant scholarships that are available now: